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Women’s Rights

Women like silent men. They think they're listening. ~Marcel Achard,

Women's Health

The happiest women make the happiest nations.

Women's position

Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow,A herb most bruised is woman. EURIPIDES, Medea

Women's education

If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate Nation.

Women's safety

“Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women.” ― Nicole Hollander

Friday, 2 April 2021

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroHow Russian hackers targeted US cyber first responders in SolarWinds breach

After infiltrating US government computer networks early last year as part of the SolarWinds data breach, Russian hackers then turned their attention to the very people whose job was to track them down.
April 02, 2021 at 03:30PM https://ift.tt/39D353D infiltrating US government computer networks early last year as part of the SolarWinds data breach, Russian hackers then turned their attention to the very people whose job was to track them down.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroWorld Autism Awareness Day 2021: What you need to know

In many ways, Kevin "Knox" Johnson III is just like most 8-year-olds.
April 02, 2021 at 04:54PM https://ift.tt/3fB7RT9 many ways, Kevin "Knox" Johnson III is just like most 8-year-olds.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroGoFundMe page for Asian hate crime assault victim in New York raises more than $172,000 in donations

A GoFundMe page set up to raise money for the Asian woman injured in the brazen attack caught on camera in midtown Manhattan has raised more than $172,000 in donations as of Thursday evening.
April 02, 2021 at 11:39AM https://ift.tt/3dHD5Wj GoFundMe page set up to raise money for the Asian woman injured in the brazen attack caught on camera in midtown Manhattan has raised more than $172,000 in donations as of Thursday evening.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroOpinion: Why Joe Biden is a man in a hurry

President Joe Biden may look relaxed, but don't let that deceive you. He is a man in a hurry. Behind that seemingly laid-back smile, he's moving at a frenetic pace.
April 02, 2021 at 11:29AM https://ift.tt/3wj3AK3 Joe Biden may look relaxed, but don't let that deceive you. He is a man in a hurry. Behind that seemingly laid-back smile, he's moving at a frenetic pace.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroTrain derails in Taiwan, with at least 36 dead and many injured

A train carrying an estimated 350 people has derailed in a tunnel in eastern Taiwan, killing at least 36 people and injuring dozens more, according to local officials.
April 02, 2021 at 10:49AM https://ift.tt/3sWB6U4 train carrying an estimated 350 people has derailed in a tunnel in eastern Taiwan, killing at least 36 people and injuring dozens more, according to local officials.

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