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Women’s Rights

Women like silent men. They think they're listening. ~Marcel Achard,

Women's Health

The happiest women make the happiest nations.

Women's position

Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow,A herb most bruised is woman. EURIPIDES, Medea

Women's education

If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate Nation.

Women's safety

“Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women.” ― Nicole Hollander

Thursday, 2 December 2021

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroOPEC and Russia will pump more oil in January despite price plunge

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other leading oil producers have decided to stick with plans to increase supply in January despite a recent plunge in prices driven by fears of a new glut.
December 02, 2021 at 08:53PM https://ift.tt/31u3GDO Arabia, Russia and other leading oil producers have decided to stick with plans to increase supply in January despite a recent plunge in prices driven by fears of a new glut.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroKellogg says it has a deal with union that could end its 2-month strike

Kellogg said it has reached a tentative agreement with the union that has been striking at its cereal factories for two months, signaling the end of one of the nation's highest profile labor disputes.
December 02, 2021 at 08:40PM https://ift.tt/3daSU7S said it has reached a tentative agreement with the union that has been striking at its cereal factories for two months, signaling the end of one of the nation's highest profile labor disputes.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroJockey caught in rip current is presumed dead

Australian jockey Chris Caserta is presumed dead after being caught in a rip current during a late-night swim, Queensland Police said on Thursday.
December 02, 2021 at 07:31PM https://ift.tt/31lmbKn jockey Chris Caserta is presumed dead after being caught in a rip current during a late-night swim, Queensland Police said on Thursday.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroHow US gun culture stacks up with the world

Atlanta. Orlando. Las Vegas. Newtown. Parkland. San Bernardino.
November 27, 2021 at 03:43AM https://ift.tt/3CQWv5n. Orlando. Las Vegas. Newtown. Parkland. San Bernardino.

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroCongress scrambling to avert shutdown as Democrats unveil plan to fund government into February

Democrats unveiled an agreement Thursday that would keep the federal government funded into mid-February, but it's unclear if the deal would be enough to avoid a rapidly approaching government shutdown on midnight Friday.
December 02, 2021 at 06:53PM https://ift.tt/3pesM1y unveiled an agreement Thursday that would keep the federal government funded into mid-February, but it's unclear if the deal would be enough to avoid a rapidly approaching government shutdown on midnight Friday.

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