//google call FRONT EYE......

Women’s Rights

Women like silent men. They think they're listening. ~Marcel Achard,

Women's Health

The happiest women make the happiest nations.

Women's position

Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow,A herb most bruised is woman. EURIPIDES, Medea

Women's education

If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate Nation.

Women's safety

“Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women.” ― Nicole Hollander

Thursday 7 August 2014

Wait Till Marriage to Have Sex

I love my boyfriend a lot, and I know he loves me too. We are each other's first partners and have been together for more than three years. I have told him we should take our relationship to the next stage and have sex, but he is old-school; he says we should wait till our wedding because he wants that old, sweet feeling of taking a new bride to bed. We have just gone so far as second base — he always stops us before it intensifies. Does it sound weird to you? Sometimes I wonder if he is just not attracted to me or if he is insecure about the relationship. Or am I reading too much into this and should be grateful?

You've found an unusual guy, but I think you're drawing a stark contrast here when it's unnecessary. His desire to wait to have sex until marriage is not necessarily so horrible that you should be worried or so wonderful that you should be grateful.

I don't see why he'd want to marry you if he wasn't attracted to you, so you can probably scratch that fear off your list. If it's about some insecurity, it's probably more about his own issues than some concern about you or the relationship. When we talk about sex, we tend to think about our insecurities first, but maybe this is all about him: Maybe he's got an issue that he's having trouble discussing with you. Maybe he has a small penis or he's worried you'll be disappointed. Or maybe he's even in the closet. You shouldn't assume any of these are true — I'm just trying to underline how this could be more about him than you or even your relationship. It's unclear to me if he's deeply religious or if he just wants "that old, sweet feeling." I feel like I'm missing something here, and maybe you are too. You should try talking to him about his history with physical intimacy and his general opinions about what a healthy sex life might look like to get a sense of where he's coming from and why this is so important that he wants your relationship to be so different from most other people's.

I'm also not quite sure why you think that perhaps you should feel grateful, since you say that you would prefer to have sex with him. (Personally, I can't imagine marrying someone without having sex first.) It's OK to desire sex — healthy, even. You shouldn't feel grateful just because your more-traditional boyfriend disagrees with you and won't give you what you want. In fact, if sex with him is what you want, it seems like you have good reason to be unsatisfied. If you do think premarital sex is important, you should be just as aggressive about articulating your desire to your boyfriend as he is about explaining the opposite.
The bottom line: Your desires are just as important as his.

I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years and his 10-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter are just now (within the last two months) getting back in his life. I love that he spends time with them because he deserves to see his kids and they deserve their father in their lives, but I'm having a hard time coping with the fact that they are his No. 1 priority (and always will be) when I'm used to his top priority being me. I don't wanna say that I'm jealous, but I am. How can I get over this?

I think it's really mature that you're being honest about your feelings. Sometimes when we're feeling jealous, we don't like to admit it. So you're right to dig up these feelings and put them on the table. It's healthy to be honest with yourself — and I hope you're also sharing these feelings with your boyfriend.

You're going to have to adjust your expectations, and the two of you will need to have some thoughtful conversations about how you can adapt your relationship to make room for these two kids. Tell him you're feeling jealous, but don't frame this as a zero-sum problem because it's not one. He needs to know that you're having a hard time and you need to know that he cares. And there's a way to do that while also telling him that you respect his love for his kids.

If you are ready to be in a relationship that involves two young children, you can make this work. Obviously, you'll have to carve out some private time and make sure you get the attention you need, but remember that's the same for any relationship with kids, whether they're yours or not. Finding that balance is tricky for any parent. But people figure it out all the time.

As a parent myself, I bristle when people rank their loves or priorities: I honestly think it's a little unhealthy to think of his kids as his No. 1 priority and yourself as less important. It's not necessarily true. Certainly, you're more independent and his kids are a greater responsibility, and his love for his children will always be different from his love for you. They require a different sort of attention. But that doesn't mean that he loves you less now that they're back in his life.

I think we love people in different ways — and in ways that can't necessarily be measured or ranked. Comparing the love you have for your children and the love you have for your partner is a classic Beyoncé-vs.-Rihanna fallacy. Loving one doesn't mean you can't love the other just as much. Parental love is different from romantic love. People do both, simultaneously and with full hearts, all the time.
Balancing those different sorts of love takes work. You have to decide if you want to do that work, and, perhaps, learn to love his children too.

My friends all say the reason I never get asked out is that I'm unapproachable and scare off guys. This always seemed like a BS thing to say, but I worry they are right. I work in fashion, model part-time, and I'm a full-time business student, so I don't have a ton of time to meet guys, but the ones I do meet are typically shocked by all my jobs/commitments. How can I make guys see that I'm just a normal girl who wants what any other girl would want?

I've got some pretty intimidatingly attractive, professional female friends, and they often have the same complaint. They find that even their male equals — smart, attractive, ambitious professional guys — keep hitting on less-together women who are happier to take a back seat to their interests, be more impressed, and, well, less equal. (I imagine that you, like them, have found that people aren't terribly sympathetic to your complaint, but it's a real one.) A lot of this comes down to outdated, bullshit traditional gender roles, though I do think everyone's backed down from a crush or shied away from a flirtation at some point, thinking someone's out of their league.

It's absurd that guys sometimes avoid women who are so desirable, but I do think your friends are probably right that, ridiculous or not, it's just a fact of life for you. So what do you do? My successful friends who have found great guys tend to treat dating like the rest of their lives: They're proactive. It doesn't sound like you wait for good opportunities to come your way in your professional life, so don't wait for some guy to ask you out. Ask him out.

You've leaned into your career. Lean into your love life too.

All content from Cosmopolitan.com

Tuesday 10 June 2014

How to Get Toned Arms like Bollywood Actress

How to take care of skin, hair and weight are among the most discussed topics everywhere. And, who better than Bollywood stars to take inspiration from? Girls dream of having toned legs like Deepika Padukone and a flat tummy like Shilpa Shetty, and many even workout towards that. But very rarely does anyone talk about slogging to get those celebrity-like toned arms.
Apart from the face, another place where signs of ageing are very evident, are the arms. Supple and firm arms give a young and fit look. Also, if you love to wear sleeveless or strapless outfits a lot, then you definitely would not want to be conscious about having flabby arms. If you are one of those who envy Bollywood divas for having the perfect arms, but never really know how to get them, you are on the right page! Here, we reveal the secrets behind well-toned, taut and sleeveless-friendly arms.

Triceps Kickbacks

This is the most-recommended and popular arm-shaping exercise, and quite easy to do.
Image Courtesy: Oxegenmag.com
  • Pick a dumbbell weighing around 1-2 kg (or even a 1-2 litre water bottle).
  • Stand with your feet parted, as wide as your shoulders.
  • Bend forward, so that your back is parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the dumbbells under your shoulder, just at the side of your chest.
  • Suck-in your stomach and pull away the weight behind you, until your upper arm seems parallel to the ground.
  • Slowly, bring the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  • This is one complete repetition or “rep” as it is commonly called. Do three sets of 15 reps, three times a week to see results.
Best for: Shaping and toning shoulders and triceps, where the wobbly flab appears.

Shoulder Press

Another easy exercise and one of the most popular ones, shoulder press give great results when done right.
  • Grab a pair of 1-2 kg dumbbells.
  • Stand straight with your legs parted the same way as for triceps kickbacks.
  • Hold each dumbbell in your arm with your palms facing front.
  • Lift both arms at shoulder level, hold for 2-3 seconds, and then raise them above your head.
  • Avoid giving jerks. Bring back to the shoulder level, and repeat.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps, three times a week for best results.
Best for: Toning and firming arms and shoulders.


Inverted Row

This is another exercise to tone-up flabby triceps and bulky shoulders. If done right and regularly, it guarantees great results.
Image Courtesy: Womenshealthmag.com
  • Lie down flat under a firmly positioned rod/bar. This is easily available in the gym. Else, you can use the bar below your bed, or tie a strong and thick nylon rope at two ends in your room. Just make sure that it is very strong and tightly tied.
  • Bend your knees to 90 degrees, keeping your feet on the floor.
  • Hold the bar/rope, and lift yourself up slowly while breathing in, till your chest almost touches it.
  • Slowly go back to the original position while breathing out.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps, twice a week.

All content & source from:- https://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/toned-arms-bollywood-celebs-124514666.html

Wednesday 21 May 2014

7 Beauty Tips For Women

Every woman dreams of having supple, baby-soft skin, and is ready to go to any extent to achieve the desired results. Expensive treatments at beauty salons, high-end cosmetics and so much more goes into it!
But you will be amazed to know that the easiest trick to get baby-soft skin is using baby products! Surprised? Well, don’t be! Baby products are hypo-allergic and free of harsh chemicals, and therefore are the best for any skin type. Take a look at seven easily-available baby products that can work wonders for your skin.

1. Baby Oil: Eye makeup remover

If you wear makeup regularly, you might be aware of how difficult it is to get rid of it from delicate areas like the eyes. You will be surprised to know that baby oil can gently help you remove eye makeup, without causing any irritation. What’s more? Since it is rich in mineral oils, and does not clog pores, you can safely use it as your post-bath moisturiser, for guaranteed baby-soft skin.

2. Baby Lotion: Protector against skin irritation

Tired of using body lotions that are either too greasy or don’t hydrate enough? Then the sweet smelling lotions in the baby-section come to your rescue. Baby lotions are one of the best options you can have for soft and smooth skin that is not sticky or greasy. Moreover, they form a protective layer on the skin guarding it against irritation and dryness.

3. Baby Powder: Easiest dry shampoo

Did you know that you can use baby powder to fix your makeup? To have a grease-free look, simply dab a tiny amount on your face and neck after wearing foundation. You can pat a little amount before applying your eyeshadow for a smoother and longer-lasting effect. Here's another one that will surprise you- you can sprinkle some baby powder on your greasy hair, when you don't have time to shampoo, to have a smooth, freshly-shampooed, oil-free look!

4. Baby Wipes: Quickest makeup remover

The best use for baby wipes is that they can be used as an express makeup remover! That apart, they are also great to wipe your face and neck on a hot summer day to feel fresh instantly.

5. Diaper Rash Cream: Intensive lip balm

Apart from keeping your skin supple, it is a great remedy for extra-sensitive and rash-prone skin. You can even use it in the winters for those soft and smooth lips.

6. Baby Wash or Baby Soap: Cleansing foot soak

If you have failed to discover the perfect face wash for your dry or sensitive skin, then you must try baby washes or baby soaps. Very mild in composition and gentle on skin, it is a perfect solution for the sensitive skin problems. You can also use it as hand wash, or mix it with warm water to soak your tired feet.

7. Baby Shampoo: Safest daily hair cleanser

During the summer months, greasy and limp hair is a common complaint. Frequent shampooing can strip away the hair from natural oils, leaving it dull and brittle. Switch your regular shampoo with a baby shampoo, and you would complain no more. Being much milder than other shampoos, baby shampoos do not wash away the natural oils from hair while cleaning it. Since they are free of harsh chemicals, you can use them more frequently than your regular ones.

Source by:-https://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/7-baby-products-amazing-beauty-benefits-114006030.html

Monday 19 May 2014

10 Things Every Woman Should Have in Her Purse

If being prepared for anything is your mantra, then you know that your purse is the vehicle by which you live your life – far more than just a place to stash your cash and keys. Whether you believe in toting half the house, or you like to keep it light and simple, there are ten essentials that all ladies must have in their purses at all times. Let’s take a look at those must-haves so that you will be ready for anything that life throws your way.
Things Every Woman Should Have in Her Purse

1. Lipstick

As any woman knows, a dash of lipstick can perk up even the worst case of the blues, and having your favorite shade within reach is imperative to keeping you looking your best. Lipstick works to create a beautiful focal point on the face – so even if you don’t have time to put on a complete face of makeup each morning, lipstick will still make you look glamorous and put-together.

2. Mad money

Mad money
The emphasis here is on money, not plastic. Mothers used to give their daughters “mad money”when they went out on a date, just in case the guy ended up to be Mr. Totally Wrong. Mother was wise to do so; there are many instances that may arise when you will need cash in hand, not a debit or credit card, so keep at least twenty bucks in cash safely stored away in your purse.

3. Tampons or pads

Tampons or pads
Let’s face it ladies; we never know when Mother Nature will come calling. Be discreetly prepared to face her head on with a small supply of feminine protection.

4. Baby wipes

Baby wipes
Whether or not you have little ones, baby wipes come in handy in so many situations – none of which you will be able to think about until the time arises that you need one or two.

5. Aspirin or Tylenol

Aspirin or Tylenol
How many times have you been out of the house and taken a headache? If you are human, chances are you have often wished for a bit of pain relief on the road. Stay prepared by always keeping a few aspirin, Tylenol, or other pain remedy at hand.

6. A pen

A pen
While it may seem like commonsense, when faced with the prospect of needing a pen or pencil, many women dig and dig through their massive purses only to come up with a fairly good substitute: an eyeliner. Keep a few pens in your purse and you won’t end up giving someone your number with a Cover Girl Slick Stick.

7. Emergency contact info

Emergency contact info
Again, a commonsense thing to carry with you (right alongside your identification) is emergency contact information; this will come in handy if you are mistaken as a terrorist, locked in solitary confinement, and someone has to come in to vouch for your identity. In all seriousness, emergency contact info is crucial if you are (heaven forbid) involved in an accident and unable to speak for yourself.

8. Mace or pepper spray

Mace or pepper spray
The day and age in which we live dictates that all women must carry some form of protection, and Mace or pepper spray fit the bill. This modern “weapon” is non-lethal but very effective in stopping bad guys in their tracks.

9. Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer
Every time when you are at the grocery store you grab a cart that has been used many times and never wiped down. You count out money or meet someone new and shake their hand. For these and many other reasons, you should always have hand sanitizer in your purse. It will help protect you as well as anybody you come into contact with from spreading those terrible germs.

10. Lighter or matches

Lighter or matches
Okay, you don’t smoke and you don’t carry a lighter because you think that you’ll never need it. Trust me, I don’t smoke but I always carry a lighter or matches for emergency purposes, such as burning off stray threads on clothes, and lighting candles on cake. Moreover, if you’re ever stranded in the wilderness and need to light a fire, you will be well prepared! So make sure you always have a lighter or matches in your purse!
So remember, an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure. Pack your purse with these ten essentials and you can feel a bit safer and more secure when you are out and about.

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