//google call why we accept baby boy not girl? ~ FRONT EYE......

Saturday 2 February 2013

why we accept baby boy not girl?

Ending line of my previous blog ‘yet we accept baby boy not girl’ Now I am saying that we have developed ourselves and has entered into the globalised world but still our mentality remain the same related to women. We are living in educated world but looking for first baby boy not girl. Therefore many Married women go for pregnancy test to detect sex of the child because they have huge pressure to produce son in India after marriage either they are from well established family or educated. So how can we say that we are the part of modern society? So I am sharing my personal opinion points as a writer without hearting anyone feeling ‘why are this happening in our society and what we need to change?’

Social or family prestige: - In our male dominated society boys are given the special rights to take over the family name and properties rather if boys did any crime or mistake then viewed as additional social status for their family either he went to jail or not and on other side if girls did any mistake then it hurt Social or family prestige. So please give equal rights to both of them, do not count her as social or family prestige stamp. This has led to social and economic problems. Girl means not ‘Social or family prestige’

Economic utility: - an Economy factor is also making sons more attractive than girls; this is because we consider boys as an additional income source rather girls taken as financial burden on the family , girls settle their own house after marriage. Now time has been changed they are performing their best in all sectors like management, financial etc. even she is the president and prime minister also ,so we have to understand an importance of girls excepting as an economic burden.  Finally I feel that women Growth means nation economy growth.

Weaker gender :-Women are usually viewed as the weaker gender as compared to men in India because we think that boys are stronger than girls rather she faces every circumstances and even able to handle worst situation also without any complaint. As far as my opinion regarding this “she is the strongest one because not only births baby but also stand them in the society”. She makes family then ‘how can we consider Weaker gender herself?’

Education: - “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” ― Brigham Young” Education is the key which can clear the path for society, Teach your sons from childhood to respect girls, importance of girls rather than teaching your daughters to live safe or avoid anything.

As a writer I belive that It is very easy to blame government, police, system, docters but not easy to blame our soul which is actually responsible for these crimes but i feel very guilty to say that we see girls either a divine or…………………………………wait for my next share.

Jai hind jai Bharat.


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