//google call CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroIndia's Modi outlines conditions for Kashmir elections in first talks since autonomy revoked ~ FRONT EYE......

Thursday 24 June 2021

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroIndia's Modi outlines conditions for Kashmir elections in first talks since autonomy revoked

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told leaders from the former state of Jammu and Kashmir that elections would be held there after the region's constituencies were reconfigured, following the revocation of its semi-autonomous statehood, meeting participants said.

June 25, 2021 at 08:58AM https://ift.tt/3df5jIe Prime Minister Narendra Modi told leaders from the former state of Jammu and Kashmir that elections would be held there after the region's constituencies were reconfigured, following the revocation of its semi-autonomous statehood, meeting participants said.


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