//google call CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroSurfside search crew member: 'I'm also emotionally digging for more strength' ~ FRONT EYE......

Sunday, 11 July 2021

CNN.com - RSS Channel - HP HeroSurfside search crew member: 'I'm also emotionally digging for more strength'

Baby pictures. Toys. Photo albums. Passports. These are just a few of the items found by the search teams at the site of the collapsed Surfside, Florida, condo building that drove home the immensity of what they were doing, one crew member said.

July 12, 2021 at 09:33AM https://ift.tt/3e8ev1v pictures. Toys. Photo albums. Passports. These are just a few of the items found by the search teams at the site of the collapsed Surfside, Florida, condo building that drove home the immensity of what they were doing, one crew member said.


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